Girne American University
GAU was founded in 1985, starting with just seven students and, 33 years later, it has grown into the 20,000-strong university it is today. Since its inception, GAU has maintained close contractual relationships with universities in North America and Europe. It was one of the first universities in Cyprus to receive recognition from the Turkish Higher Education Council (YOK), followed by recognition from the Higher Education Council of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (YODAK). Several programs followed these required national certifications.
GAU는 1985년에 설립되어 불과 7명의 학생으로 시작하여 33년이 지난 오늘날의 20,000명의 강력한 대학으로 성장했습니다. GAU는 창립 초기부터 북미 및 유럽의 대학과 긴밀한 계약 관계를 유지해 왔습니다. YOK(Turkish Higher Education Council)로부터 인정을 받은 키프로스 최초의 대학 중 하나였으며, 이어서 YODAK(북키프로스 터키 공화국 고등 교육 위원회)로부터 인정을 받았습니다. 이러한 필수 국가 인증에 이어 여러 프로그램이 진행되었습니다.
Year of Establishment / 설립연도
Category / 유형
Public University
Number of Enrolled Students / 재학생수
Location / 위치

About GAU
As it moves toward its 50th anniversary, GAU has balanced the need for high standards and growth in both its faculty and the overall experience of each student over 33 years of development.
GAU has a top faculty accredited by prestigious accreditation bodies in Europe and the United States and follows the standards and guidelines for quality assurance of the European Higher Education Area (ESG) through accreditation bodies in Europe.
A top university ranked as “one of the top 100 universities offering higher education” in the prestigious Eduniversal rankings Founded in 1985, it is the first private university in Cyprus and offers higher education with 35 years of experience.
50주년을 향해 나아가는 동안, GAU는 33년의 개발 기간 동안 교수진과 각 학생의 전반적인 경험 모두에서 높은 수준의 요구와 성장을 위한 요구 사항의 균형을 맞추었습니다.
GAU는 유럽과 미국의 권위 있는 인증 기관의 인증을 받은 최고의 교수진을 보유하고 있으며, 유럽의 인증 기관을 통해 유럽 고등 교육 지역(ESG)의 품질 보증에 대한 표준 및 지침을 따르고 있습니다.
권위있는 Eduniversal 순위에서 “최고의 100 고등 교육 제공 대학 중 하나”로 선정된 최고의 대학 1985년에 설립된 키프로스 최초의 사립대학교로 35년 경력의 고등교육을 제공합니다.
Online Courses
Online courses of Girne American University
The department is structured such as to educate managers and organization leaders of the future. These leaders and managers will be able to work successfully in an increasingly complex and ever changing environment in order to attain and maintain long-term competitive edge over their competitors. Intensive theory and practice-based curriculum is offered by our department which creates an academic experience that is contemporary, challenging, diverse, globally oriented and professionally focused. The program requires the completion of 132 credits.
- High School Graduation / 고등학교 졸업
- English Proficiency of IELTS 5.5 or Higher / IELTS 5.5 이상의 영어실력
Executive MBA (EMBA) is a fast-paced, dynamic program designed to provide participants with a global view of business. In today’s fast-changing environment, we seek to give our students the edge in the business world, through a program that promotes creativity, entrepreneurship and ideas from around the globe.
Our learning methodology allows us to bring together experienced executives from diverse backgrounds, industries and cultures in the spirit of learning, open-mindedness and debate.
Aimed at experienced professionals seeking flexible and multicultural learning interaction, the Executive MBA provides the practical knowledge and innovative management tools needed to maximize professional potential and success.
- 4-year Bachelor's Degree / 4년제 학사
- English Proficiency of IELTS 6.5 or Higher / IELTS 6.5 이상의 영어실력
PhD program consists of 7 courses (21 credits in total), plus a Seminar (non-credit) and a Thesis (non-credit). After a success completion of the courses, students are asked to take qualification exam. The success pass of the Qualification Exam will allow students to start working on their Thesis. The minimum duration of the thesis is 2 semesters.
- 4-year Bachelor's, Master's Degree / 4년제 학사, 석사
- GPA 3.5 or Higher (Out of 4.5) / 학점 3.5 이상 (4.5 만점)
- English Proficiency of IELTS 6.5 or Higher / IELTS 6.5 이상의 영어실력